Tag Archives: wedding

#79 love is in the air: first wedding party this year

For the last few years it’s been already a normal routine having about 3-5 wedding invitations a year (that’s what happens when you are in your late 20s and early 30s). So, finally I had the first wedding party in 2014. It was a wedding of a friend i wedding bouquetknew from high school but with who i became good friends only few years ago when we accidentally met at a conference in Stockholm, Sweden and found out that we both now live in London. This is one of those stories about how we cross each others’ lives and paths and how people keep returning to our lives in most unexpected ways and times.

I wish i could go to weddings every year. That celebration of love, hope, dreams and commitments is magic. Moreover, the most beautiful people are those who are in love therefore the more we will love the more beautiful world will become! 🙂


bride at the wedding


Price: present and a bouquet of flowers;

Amazingness: two beautiful people in love is probably the most amazing thing one can imagine

Duration: overall it depends on the consumption of bubbly and less bubbly drinks and its proportion with respect to dancing.

April 5, 2014

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Posted by on April 6, 2014 in relationships


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#51 invitation to a wedding

What would be life without surprises?! What would be beautiful relationships without weddings? What would be my friends’ weddings without me?

The invitation to a wedding I just received was not really unexpected, but it just made my day. It means i have again one solid ‘excuse’ to visit Spain (one of my favorite countries on this planet!) and chance to meet my friends from Uni years. Though it is only in 3 months, i actually already had other plans for that weekend. But, never-mind, if I really really want something, I can be a bit more flexible than normally and make it all work. I am already excited.

This year does not seem like the last year when i got 5 wedding invitations (though managed to attend only three). This will be the second wedding i will attend this year, but who knows. there is plenty of time for more weddings. 2014 has just started.

Price: tbc (flights, new dress (!), presents and accommodation);

Amazingness: it’s awesomeness!

Duration: long weekend 🙂

February 26, 2014

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Posted by on February 27, 2014 in relationships, travel


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