Tag Archives: sport

#112 in red shoes all the way through the central London

walking is healthy, but doing a walk for charity and good cause is amazing. On 17 June British Red Cross organized a red shoes walk London 2014massive 8 miles long Red Shoe walk to raise funds for their operations (yes, with a dress code – red shoes). As i am doing my big challenge – 56km Isle of Wight walk challenge this summer, this was a perfect chance of practicing. Walk started from the Tower of London and finished in the Batter sea park and was passing by all the key central London’s landmarks – London eye, big Ben, Southbank etc. Initially we thought this route will be easy (no hills, not many stairs, no bad roads), but guess what, on this route on Saturday the biggest challenge was – tourists! 🙂

Price: 10GBP donation;

Duration: about 1.5 hours;

Amazingness: how can you not like exercise + sightseeing + friends?

May 17, 2014

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Posted by on May 26, 2014 in fitness


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#92 aqua spinning

With respect to physical exercise and fitness, yoga is my priority, however i like to experiment and try other/ new sport activities as well. The discovery of this week is aqua spinning offered by AquaFitPro: it is just like a normal spin class but in water. They say, it is probably one of the most effective calories’ burners ever. In a 45 min class you may burn up to 800kcal, which is a lot. Aqua spin is hard. Few times my eyes were stressfully looking around for a wall clock so see how soon the end of the class will be. But it was fun. And trainers know how to push you.


Price: from 10GBP per class;

Amazingness: it’s great; it definitely makes me want to do some more of aqua spin;

Duration: 45 min.

April 15, 2014

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in fitness


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