Tag Archives: relationships

#111 long-distance relationship with mother in 21st century

So, what do you do if you not only live in a different country than your mother but also frequently travel and cant see her often? How can you make her feel that she is not forgotten? How can you tell her ‘thanks’ as many times as possible just for being her and having sacrificed so much because of her children? How can you tell her she is loved even when you are not near?

On 11 May, on the Mother day, sitting in Amman, i made an online order to deliver to my mum a bouquet of roses and chocolates.

In the evening i received a skype message that chocolate was already almost gone. She was touched. And happy.

in 21st century, there is no distance. the only distance is our minds.


Price: in this case, it does not matter. it was worth it.

Duration: about 20 min; i could choose the most beautiful bouquet.

Amazingness: being grateful is amazing.

May 11, 2014

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Posted by on May 26, 2014 in relationships, travel


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#106 the fourth annual reunion with the best Uni friends

We were 4 friends who met at the Uni and shared the flats in the dorms. I think, we can pretty much say, we know each other inside out. After graduation not only each of us chose different career paths, but all of us also ended up living in 4 different countries. Few years ago we realized that unless we proactively organize ourselves and meet this friendship will vanish.

So, we just had our fourth annual reunion. In the Netherlands. in Utrecht. Awesome. we talk a lot until we fall asleep, and eat and drink when we dont talk or dont sleep. 🙂 And like this year, we also did some cycling.

We have created some rules with respect to these reunions:

  • there is this one major annual meeting, usually in May or June (if we meet more frequently all or some of us, it’s great too);
  • every time it has to be a different country (so far we got Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Netherlands);
  • no husbands or boyfriends (children allowed under special circumstances).

Price: travel, accommodation and commitment;

Duration: usually a long weekend;

Amazingness: friendship continues to live. it’s awesome.

May 6, 2014


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#93 receiving a real Easter greeting card

It’s Easter time and in our social media networks we receive Easter greetings, e-greeting cards etc, but how often, if at all, you would receive or expect to receive a real greeting card by mail? To some it may be kind of old school, but i love it! Easter greeting cardSomeone has made an effort to buy a card, write in it, buy a stamp and post it. There is so much more thought and love in it. Little moments like these are precious!

Price: well, people, who potentially would want to send you something, need your home address; email isnt enough for this old school thing;

Amazingness: it put a genuine smile on my face when i received it;

Duration: such memories last for long.

April 18, 2014

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Posted by on April 21, 2014 in relationships


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#91 a friend has just sent me a book

a couple of weeks ago i was talking on skype to one of my friends who lives in another country and who i do not manage to see often at all. Distance has affected the contact, but when we get in touch, it feels like neither distance nor time has been in between.

This week i got a book from her she posted me. After we talked she thought, i must read it. It feels amazingly great having a friend like her. She could just have told me the title of the book or could have just sent me a link to amazon so i can buy it myself. Instead, she posted it. Sweetness.

Price: strong friendship

Amazigness: it’s awesome

Duration: it may take a week or two to get through the book.

April 14, 2014

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in reading, relationships


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#79 love is in the air: first wedding party this year

For the last few years it’s been already a normal routine having about 3-5 wedding invitations a year (that’s what happens when you are in your late 20s and early 30s). So, finally I had the first wedding party in 2014. It was a wedding of a friend i wedding bouquetknew from high school but with who i became good friends only few years ago when we accidentally met at a conference in Stockholm, Sweden and found out that we both now live in London. This is one of those stories about how we cross each others’ lives and paths and how people keep returning to our lives in most unexpected ways and times.

I wish i could go to weddings every year. That celebration of love, hope, dreams and commitments is magic. Moreover, the most beautiful people are those who are in love therefore the more we will love the more beautiful world will become! 🙂


bride at the wedding


Price: present and a bouquet of flowers;

Amazingness: two beautiful people in love is probably the most amazing thing one can imagine

Duration: overall it depends on the consumption of bubbly and less bubbly drinks and its proportion with respect to dancing.

April 5, 2014

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Posted by on April 6, 2014 in relationships


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#64 giving flowers

i think it is one of those cultural things – tradition or importance to give flowers, meaning of flowers and meaning of the act of giving flowers. In a very multicultural society like in London this particular cultural element is somewhat absent. I have seen here people giving flowers to each other, but my sense is that there is no strong cultural code underneath it.

Nevertheless, i was visiting a friend and, though i was told not to bring anything, i brought flowers. And, to make this flower giving act as lasting as possible, i brought an orchid, which, if taken good care of, will give a joy to its owners for years.

Flowers build bridges, warm up hearts, express kindness. Flowers create smiles, joy and shows unconditionality of giver’s sympathies or love. I know, the flower i brought made my friend smile and feel positively surprised. Sometimes that’s all you need do to make yourself and someone else feel good. Give flowers. And, the least expected the flowers are, the better. Simples.

Price: 5GBP;

Amazingness: if both giver and receiver of flowers feel good, it is amazing.

Duration: that orchid will live for years.

March 15, 2014

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Posted by on March 16, 2014 in relationships


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#57 reconnecting with mates of University times

it was sort of a coincidence but today I re-connected with two mates of my University days. The first re-connection – with my study mate from Central Asia but now living also in London – was planned and postponed many times, but finally after about 3.5 years we managed to have a nice catch-up dinner. The second re-connection was accidental: at work as part of my partnership and collaboration building with humanitarian agencies operating in the Middle East countries I received an email from someone whose name sounded so familiar. Name which i have heard before. I thought, I cant lose anything by asking her where did she do her MA. And, yes, i was right, we did go to the same Uni and took one course together. Needless to say, relations with this agency has gained a more personal angle which certainly helps.

My conclusions:

  • world is small;
  • ability to remember names can pay off;
  • Time is flying;
  • we are changing;
  • you never know how many times and in what situations we cross our path with other people.

Price: 17GBP for a dinner (cousine from Central Asia – Navruz)

Amazingness: great

Duration: couple of hours

March 5, 2014

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Posted by on March 5, 2014 in relationships


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#40 love

Disregarding if you are or are not celebrating Valentines day, this day is a reminder that love is the greatest treasure in life. Love gives meaning to our lives. Love makes everything possible. Commercialization has somehow spoiled that intimate vibe of lovers’ day, but if there is one task it completes well is reminding people  about appreciation of love. Love’s strength is in its fragility, so take good care of it.


Price: love is priceless

Amazingness: nothing can be more amazing than love;

Duration: true love is eternal;

February 14, 2014

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Posted by on February 15, 2014 in relationships


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#35 see your parents

It sounds like a cliche, but unless you live with your parents, meeting them regularly may not remain as a top priority all the time and therefore eventually this may become as one of the greatest regrets. Moreover, if you dont live with them in the same city or even in the same country, you would need to plan every single meeting. There is even a website which lets you calculate number of times you have left in your life to meet your parents – See your folks. Some find it freaky, but i think it gives a little reality check.

So, as much as i can, i try to organize a time together with my mum. It can be as simple as going to a coffee shop for one hour. It does not matter what you do, but the time spent together is simply invaluable. Moreover, parents may not always say it, but it means them a lot.

Price: 2 coffees

Amazingness: great

Duration: an hour.

February 7, 2014

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Posted by on February 9, 2014 in relationships


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#29 forgive

It can be extremely hard and at times – close to impossible, but forgiving is relieving. When the right time comes, forgive. Forgiving is strength, rather than weakness. Forgiving is gaining peace in your mind and taking tension forgiveoff your shoulders. Forgiving heals. Forgiving gives you new wings to fly. Forgiving is an act of generosity. There is no peace without forgiveness.

Price: ego

Amazingness: comes with time

Duration: never look back.

January 30, 2014

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Posted by on February 1, 2014 in psychology


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