Tag Archives: newspapers

#31 chilling out with Sunday newspaper

Normally I dont buy newspapers on workdays. It feels like it is already enough with the news i get from Metro in the morning, then Evening Standard in the evening and browsing of BBC and Guardian websites during the day the Guardian and Observerwhen taking a break from work.

But on weekends, particularly on Sundays there is something very amazing about getting my favorite Sunday newspaper (the Guardian + Observer it is), put a relaxing music on, have a black coffee with some snacks and just read from the first to the last page (except Sports and TV programme sections; those immediately go to the recycling box). And, though more and more news/ articles are also available online, I like this old-school way of absorbing news -via a newspaper.

Price: 2.70GBP

Amazingness: great combination of gaining new knowledge + relaxation

Duration: few hours.

February 2, 2014

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Posted by on February 2, 2014 in lifestyle, reading


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