Tag Archives: long-distance relationships

#111 long-distance relationship with mother in 21st century

So, what do you do if you not only live in a different country than your mother but also frequently travel and cant see her often? How can you make her feel that she is not forgotten? How can you tell her ‘thanks’ as many times as possible just for being her and having sacrificed so much because of her children? How can you tell her she is loved even when you are not near?

On 11 May, on the Mother day, sitting in Amman, i made an online order to deliver to my mum a bouquet of roses and chocolates.

In the evening i received a skype message that chocolate was already almost gone. She was touched. And happy.

in 21st century, there is no distance. the only distance is our minds.


Price: in this case, it does not matter. it was worth it.

Duration: about 20 min; i could choose the most beautiful bouquet.

Amazingness: being grateful is amazing.

May 11, 2014

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Posted by on May 26, 2014 in relationships, travel


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#5 visit of a friend

timeMany of my friends do not live in my city (which happens to be London for the last 4 years). Many of them even do not live in the same country; they are all over the Europe and beyond. And as much as I want to believe that true friendships just live their natural lives and can survive anything, the reality is though that all these friendships of the global era are facing a challenge of existence, because of the distance (both physical and emotional), regularity and quality (!) of contact, joint experiences, trust, ability to share, our own lives (and new families, relationships) etc.

For all these reasons above, it is especially heart-warming (and amazing!) when one of such friends takes time off from her work and family and flies over to see me and give a time for our friendship like it happened today.

I am taking a bit of my time off work as well to be able to talk more (i think, we even talk faster than usual just to make sure we talk through all the things which have happened since we last met or which we simply want to share), to wine and dine, make plans of doing some holidays together this year and just have a good time.

Friendships do make life amazing, so treat them with care and love.

Cost: Time

Amazingness: very high

Duration: memories for life

January 5, 2014

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Posted by on January 7, 2014 in relationships


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