Tag Archives: indoor plants

#113 Roses

Last summer i received a gift from my colleagues – a beautiful rose pot plant. It was all blooming for almost a month and then it gradually sickened. It lost almost all of its leaves and did not look healthy at all. Then i started to change the place of rose pot plantthe plan in the house thinking that the amount of light etc may improve things. I cut the top bits of the branches which were dry and dead. I just did not want to give up.

And here is the result – it has blossomed again!

So, do not give up. Roses will reward your patience generously.

Price: lots of patience

Duration: about half a year from a day when I considered throwing the plant away until today when it has blossomed again;

Amazingness: i feel like i have saved someone’s life. 🙂

May 28, 2014


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