Tag Archives: healthy lifesty;e

#16 practicing yoga

Huhh, after a month long break (Christmas and New Years holidays is my excuse) today I restarted my bikram yoga practice and honestly – I feel amazing!

I had to really force myself to go to yoga as the day was long and stressful, I felt tired and all i could think was a dinner, rest and sleep. But somehow i got there and had probably one of the hardest ever yoga classes lasting almost 2 hours.

I practice and enjoy only bikram yoga, where the trainer takes you through 26 postures in a room with 40C+ (or more; today it was definitely more) temperature. It is like exercising in sauna. Heat adds extra pressure, but equally also makes the exercise more effective. the hottest sport ever.

About 3 years ago I remember saying that me and yoga are two absolutely incompatible things. Yoga seemed to be only meditation, praying and no physical exercise. However, about two years ago out of curiosity i gave it a try and since then i have never looked back. There is no really praying or other religious or spiritual elements (though, i imagine, different types of yoga do have that). And like the trainer said today: “if, first of all, you want to live until your retirement age (it may go up to 70 when our generation will retire!) and, secondly, also really enjoy your retirement years, you have to do yoga!”

During the last 2 years yoga has made an obvious impact on my physical and mental well-being, peace of mind, weight, metabolism and stamina.

If you have not tried yoga, try! out of curiosity just like me 2 years ago and see where it takes you!

In London i can recommend these bikram yoga centres – Yotopia, Fitness on Fire and Bikram yoga London.

Price: starting from about 5GBP per class;

Amazingness: amazing

Duration: 60-90min classes

16 January, 2014

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Posted by on January 16, 2014 in fitness, lifestyle


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