Tag Archives: film

#69 seeing a celebrity

I went to a work-related event and was surprised by seeing so many video cameras around. That’s not what i normally expect at events where people talk about humanitarian crisis, poverty and development issues. The reason why there was this media attention was that this event was opened by a celebrity.

Sienna Miller, Ladies and Gentlemen!

I apologize already in advance, but yes, i had to google to find out what exactly she has done or at what she is so good that has given her this honor to be called ‘celebrity’. Apparently, she i an actress, model and Jude Law’s ex. Now, Jude Law i know, i would recognize him. I would be 100 times more excited if this event was opened by Jude Law. I may have even tried to make a photo of him. But, well, when telling others that i saw Sienna Miller, everyone responded with big ‘wow’, so i guess, I have to be humble and appreciate this great moment even if it was just Sienna Miller. 🙂

p.s. if serious, i give all my respect to her for raising awareness about humanitarian issues. If that also helps to raise more funds for humanitarian assistance, even better.

Price: 0. Pure coincidence.

Amazingness: seeing Jude Law would have been more amazing, but still. was ok.

Duration: she gave about 3 min speech and then left.

19 March, 2014

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Posted by on March 22, 2014 in lifestyle, London


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