Tag Archives: culture

#70 accidental French accent

When i meet new people and they guess where i am from, 90% of them would think – I’m French. I dont speak French, i dont know French and it’s  always been a mystery to me as to how the written French can differ so much from spoken.

Yesterday, i met a young French man who also thought i must be French! He was insisting – yes, yes, you have a French accent!

well, i take it as a compliment if even to a Frenchman i sound like French.

or maybe it’s a hint, that if i were to learn French, i would have no difficulty at all in having a perfect pronunciation.

hm, something to think about.

Price: 0

Amazingness: an amazing mystery

Duration: i have been sounding like French since i live in UK.

March 21, 2014

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Posted by on March 24, 2014 in lifestyle


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#69 seeing a celebrity

I went to a work-related event and was surprised by seeing so many video cameras around. That’s not what i normally expect at events where people talk about humanitarian crisis, poverty and development issues. The reason why there was this media attention was that this event was opened by a celebrity.

Sienna Miller, Ladies and Gentlemen!

I apologize already in advance, but yes, i had to google to find out what exactly she has done or at what she is so good that has given her this honor to be called ‘celebrity’. Apparently, she i an actress, model and Jude Law’s ex. Now, Jude Law i know, i would recognize him. I would be 100 times more excited if this event was opened by Jude Law. I may have even tried to make a photo of him. But, well, when telling others that i saw Sienna Miller, everyone responded with big ‘wow’, so i guess, I have to be humble and appreciate this great moment even if it was just Sienna Miller. 🙂

p.s. if serious, i give all my respect to her for raising awareness about humanitarian issues. If that also helps to raise more funds for humanitarian assistance, even better.

Price: 0. Pure coincidence.

Amazingness: seeing Jude Law would have been more amazing, but still. was ok.

Duration: she gave about 3 min speech and then left.

19 March, 2014

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Posted by on March 22, 2014 in lifestyle, London


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#64 giving flowers

i think it is one of those cultural things – tradition or importance to give flowers, meaning of flowers and meaning of the act of giving flowers. In a very multicultural society like in London this particular cultural element is somewhat absent. I have seen here people giving flowers to each other, but my sense is that there is no strong cultural code underneath it.

Nevertheless, i was visiting a friend and, though i was told not to bring anything, i brought flowers. And, to make this flower giving act as lasting as possible, i brought an orchid, which, if taken good care of, will give a joy to its owners for years.

Flowers build bridges, warm up hearts, express kindness. Flowers create smiles, joy and shows unconditionality of giver’s sympathies or love. I know, the flower i brought made my friend smile and feel positively surprised. Sometimes that’s all you need do to make yourself and someone else feel good. Give flowers. And, the least expected the flowers are, the better. Simples.

Price: 5GBP;

Amazingness: if both giver and receiver of flowers feel good, it is amazing.

Duration: that orchid will live for years.

March 15, 2014

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Posted by on March 16, 2014 in relationships


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#62 jazz night in Kentish town

London is Europe’s jazz capital. That’s a fact. I know, Paris is a close competitor, maybe a little bit – Amsterdam, but still – any night in London you have options beyond comprehension where to go and enjoy good jazz. Any night somewhere in London you can listen to the world-class jazz. Soon though because of this abundance of options there is a risk of becoming slightly spoiled; if you can listen to proper jazz ‘cats’, you may less likely go to a gig of young and not yet so known and award winning bands (well, assuming that the ticket price is not a condition in this algorithm).

However, sometimes that’s exactly what is needed and what is great: a gig in a non-pretentious but cosy venue (The Oxford in Kentish Town) by a young and promising band playing to few dozens of people. Feels so personal, intimate and authentic. Vitor Pereira band is certainly something to watch out.

Price: 5GBP + wine

Amazingness: could not think of better way to spend this Monday evening;

Duration: 2 hours or so.

March 10, 2014

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Posted by on March 13, 2014 in music


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#61 touching the fire: London’s Flamenco festival

Ole! Ole!

I am so so so happy I went to a gala concert of a London Flamenco festival featuring Mercedes Ruiz and it was just breathtaking. There are several dance styles i would call exceptionally passionate; like tango and salsa, but flamenco is a fire! Emotions, sensuality, passion, happiness and pain. It awakens instincts, emotions and reminds what life is about. But, not only that – all dancers demonstrated such a high class technicality and sophistication. real pleasure.

Here is a little video from the festival few years ago.

Price: 17GBP

Amazingness: people could not stop applauding at the end. Awesome

Duration: 2 hours.

12 March, 2014

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Posted by on March 12, 2014 in art, music


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#46 ‘the world vocal championship’

whilst everyone is probably busy following the winter Olympics in Sochi, there was this superb ‘World Vocal championship’ taking place on Thursday in the East London. Though this gig seemed to be sold out and venue was too small for everyone who came to get a seat, i wish this gig attracted attention it really deserved. Randolph Matthews and Cleveland Watkiss are amazing British singers individually and their solo gigs can alone be an amazing experience, but when they are both on the stage together – it’s double amazing! Playful vocal battle mixed with jokes and supported by a choir demonstrated their virtuosity, improvisation skills and masterful use of voice.

Just few days after this gig (this was the first time they did such a duo gig, as far as i know) there has been created a special facebook page VocalRumbles, so i guess and i hope this amazing collaboration will continue offering many more vocal battles. Check them out!

Price: 12.50GBP

Duration: 2 hours gig

Amazingness: great + great

February 20, 2014

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Posted by on February 23, 2014 in music


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