Tag Archives: coffee

#115 indulging coffee at the London’s best coffee shop

When you want to have a coffee, you have several options: you can make one at home, you can go to Costa or Cafe Nero (i White Mulberries coffeedont mention Starbucks because i am assuming that all the cool people like me are also boycotting it), or you can go to the best coffee shop in the town. Coffee lovers in London: in case you missed this brilliant piece of news from back in April, welcome to the White Mulberries, the best London’s coffee shop in 2014.

Located just nearby the Tower bridge in the St Catherine docks, this tiny but cosy place totally deserves this title. We had to make two attempts to have a coffee there. When we first went, it was totally full. Second time, few hours later, we were lucky to arrive when another couple just left, so we could take over their table by the window with a relaxing view to the docks, yachts and people passing by. toasted banana cinnamon loaf

This coffee shop is probably the best because of at least 4 reasons: 1) of course, coffee; i’m a long-time coffee drinker and could immediately tell that this was not a regular coffee; the smell and taste was a clear indicator of quality; 2) snacks and cakes; try a slice of roasted (!) banana cinnamon loaf – mouthwatering!; 3) ambiance – cosy, welcoming, friendly and esthetic; 4) location – central enough to be easily accessible, but hidden enough to have some breathing space.

Price: about 5GBP for a coffee and a sweet treat of your choice;

Duration: you wont wan to leave that place;

Amazingness: good coffee is worth a million 🙂

May 31, 2014


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Posted by on June 1, 2014 in food, London


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#85 tasting menengic – pistachio coffee

One of the highlights, when visiting Gaziantep, a city in south of Turkey, just 50km from the border with Syria, was a discovery of menengic – pistachio coffee. If you love coffee and have sweet tooth, find a way to try this – absolutely menengic coffeedelicious! This coffee is made of pistachio (or Terebinth to be more specific) grains which are roasted, smashed and then cooked with milk. Some disagree to categorize this as a coffee because it does not contain coffee beans, however, its brewing/ preparation process is very similar. If i need to describe the taste, then think about Bailey without alcohol but with strong pistachio flavor. Milky, warm, sweet and amazing!

In Gaziantep the best place to go for this special treat is Tahmis Kahvesi, which is open since 1635. Impressive history and traditions this place must have.

Price: 6TL (about 2 GBP);

Amazingness: delicious!

Duration: i tried to enjoy the taste and take it slowly.. to prolong the moment of sweetness as much as possible.

9 April, 2014

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Posted by on April 14, 2014 in food, travel


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#65 savouring a real coffee

My mornings are not complete without a black coffee. That’s a rule. I also dont like to rush. Coffee has to be taken slowly whilst preparing for the day and catching up on the morning news. For years, when choosing coffee, i either go for Italian Lavazza or Fairtrade Cafe Direct. More and more I choose the Fairtrade branded coffee to ensure that ethical trade gets its deserved rewards. RoasterB coffee

However, i decided to try some other coffee providers and ordered online a selection of three kinds of coffee from RoasterB coffee. When i received the package from the postman, i could already smell it. Absolutely awesome! It is high quality, ethically traded 100% Arabica coffee and freshly roasted as per the order.

It may cost a bit more than a normal, high-street brand coffee, but form the other side – they say, how you start the day, that’s how the day will go. So, i believe, it is worth investing in that morning coffee and its amazing taste and smell.

Price: i got a special deal – 8GBP for 3 packs of 227g + postage costs;

Amazingness: have tried only one kind of coffee so far, but high quality and perfect taste is immediately noticed;

Duration: delivery was fast, consumption, i guess, will be fast too.

March 16, 2014


Posted by on March 16, 2014 in food


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