Tag Archives: cafe

#104 when you lose check if loser doesnt get a prize

So i was sitting at the cafe in central Amsterdam (De Laatste Kruimel– a lunch place with a character) waiting for my order – polenta with ricotta and tomatoes. When i had almost finished my fresh peppermint tea, finally the waitress came BUT with the wrong dish which i did not order. It was a busy hour with lots of customers, so she probably mixed up orders. She apologized and asked to wait (again!) for my polenta. Sigh. Well, i am patient and understand, but i was a bit angry. Friend of mine had already finished her meal whilst i am still waiting. grrr

But then, when the order came, it came with a bonus – a lovely apple cinnamon muffin. 🙂 My face changed immediately.

So, the lesson is – when you lose, before getting sad and angry, make sure and check if the loser does not get a prize. 😉

Price: polenta about 4-5EUR; muffin was obviously for free + my time of waiting;

Duration: long and at the end lovely lunch break.

Amazingness: food was perfect and customer service eventually too (ability to admit the mistake/ problem and then readiness to correct it is the key).

May 6. 2014

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Posted by on May 18, 2014 in psychology, travel


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