Category Archives: writing

#81 international foodmarathon: is it possible to find in London ethnic cuisine of every nation in the world?

Sometime between 2003 and 2006 or so two of my friends and i introduced a tradition of going out for a dinner once every month and trying different cuisine. Though it’s impossible to compare Riga, the city where this experiment was taking place, with big multicultural cities and hence massive choice of ethnic cuisines, i remember that we definitely were doing this for about 2 years thus trying more than 20 different cuisines. It was brilliant! Traveling the world without crossing the borders or boarding the plane.

I have been thinking about doing this experiment again, which, in London would be so much more fun as there are probably hundreds of cuisines to try.

And, just few days i go i found out about this blogging/ eating/ traveling project Restaurants of the World Unite, which is doing exactly that – aiming at checking out London-based restaurants of all the nations. As i noticed that the author of this genial project has not tried Latvian cuisine yet, i couldnt resist giving him my recommendation. 🙂

Though i am not sure if and when i will be able to do this journey myself, this blog definitely will be a source for inspiration and ideas when i will be looking for interesting dining experiences. Dinner at Pizza Express or Wagamama is actually soooo boring…

Price: a bit of curiosity and openness;

Amazingness: every new experience is worth a try;

Duration: it can possibly never end.

April 7, 2014

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Posted by on April 7, 2014 in food, writing


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#77 discovering Skrivener

One of the reasons why i started this blog was to make writing as my daily habit. According to experienced, professional writers, you have to write every day even if it is not related to your key interest/ reason of writing. Daily writing also helps to develop one’s style and to improve speed and quality of writing.

The process of learning about writing techniques led me to discovery of Skrivener – amazing software for authors which helps to organize the written texts and operate with any volume of information in a very effective way. I have watched so far only a webinar about this essential tool without having the actual software, but this, i think, is really revolutionary. Not only it helps you to write more effectively, but also self-publish – transforming the written text into the right format for kindle, iBooks etc. As someone who likes to write and wants to write more and better, i think this is amazing.

Price: software costs about 30GBP

Amazingness: i can sense, it totally transforms the writing process, if one is ready to be open to learn and be friends with technology

Duration: i guess, it is a long learning process through using it and discovering gems of its functionality.

31 March, 2014

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Posted by on April 1, 2014 in writing


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