Category Archives: Bez kategorijas

#106 the fourth annual reunion with the best Uni friends

We were 4 friends who met at the Uni and shared the flats in the dorms. I think, we can pretty much say, we know each other inside out. After graduation not only each of us chose different career paths, but all of us also ended up living in 4 different countries. Few years ago we realized that unless we proactively organize ourselves and meet this friendship will vanish.

So, we just had our fourth annual reunion. In the Netherlands. in Utrecht. Awesome. we talk a lot until we fall asleep, and eat and drink when we dont talk or dont sleep. 🙂 And like this year, we also did some cycling.

We have created some rules with respect to these reunions:

  • there is this one major annual meeting, usually in May or June (if we meet more frequently all or some of us, it’s great too);
  • every time it has to be a different country (so far we got Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Netherlands);
  • no husbands or boyfriends (children allowed under special circumstances).

Price: travel, accommodation and commitment;

Duration: usually a long weekend;

Amazingness: friendship continues to live. it’s awesome.

May 6, 2014


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#101 cycling around Amsterdam

For someone coming from London cycling means not only being brave, but being even reckless. On my first day i Amsterdamautomatically bought a day travel card to get around the city (they have trams and metro there); however, i soon realized that renting a bike is not only cheaper, but it is also really safe. Cyclists here are treated as integral part of the city’s traffic system with their own cycling lanes, traffic lights and street signs. What can go wrong here with such a cycling-friendly infrastructure?

Mike Bike Tours Amsterdam


We used Mike’s Bike Tours company (look for this monkey in the picture on your left to find the entrance into their ‘office’) which seemed like never would run out of bikes. Very good prices and friendly service.

Price: 6 EUR a day;

Duration: cycle as much as you can and want and go as far as you want and can;

Amazingness: apart form walking, probably the best way to explore Amsterdam;

May 4, 2014.

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Posted by on May 18, 2014 in Bez kategorijas


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#98 do you want to eat a cake in a style? get a cake in a jar!

I was planning to meet some of  my friends who i dont see that often and i wanted to give them some small, but cake in a jar spiced gingerbreadspecial presents. As they live in continental Europe (this is how the UK is distinguishing itself from the rest of the Europe), i wanted something British/English, simple and stylish. Something they unlikely would be able to get in their countries.

cake in a jar red velvet

After some little research, I found out about Cake in a Jar. Home-made, high quality cakes in a jar. Quality, deliciousness, originality and that all in one little jar! My friends loved it. Our favorite probably was Red velvet cake. mmm. 🙂

Price: from 3.45GBP for a jar + delivery costs.

Duration: Company offers next day/ speedy delivery. They say, cakes stay fresh for about 10 days if kept in the fridge, but not sure who can leave such a cake for that long in the fridge.

Amazingness: making nice surprises to friends is amazing, isnt it?

May 1, 2014


Posted by on May 15, 2014 in Bez kategorijas, food


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