Category Archives: shopping

#9 shopping at local market

what for some people is going to church on Sunday, is for me going to a local market on Saturday mornings.That’s where i do my weekly shopping of vegetables and fruits. That’s where once a week for sure i become anti-supermarkets/ anti-big brands consumer and support local smaller businesses. That’s where you see greater value of each pound given to the seller. That’s where sellers will thank you for shopping three times and will call you ‘darling’, ‘sweetheart’ and/ or ‘love’. That’s where i can get ‘reality check’ and experience a bit more human capitalism. That’s where i rarely need to queue for more than a minute. That’s where i will know i am paying for the actual food, not for packaging.

It does not matter that i can afford shopping in Waitrose or M&S, but i do enjoy going to the market knowing that i am somehow contributing practically to making someone’s (and not Waitrose’s or M&S) profit a bit bigger today.

Price: bus fare;

Amazingness: if meaningfulness can also be amazing, then – great enough;

Duration: one week max (or as long as my fruits and veggies last).

January 9 2014

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Posted by on January 11, 2014 in shopping


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