Category Archives: psychology

#104 when you lose check if loser doesnt get a prize

So i was sitting at the cafe in central Amsterdam (De Laatste Kruimel– a lunch place with a character) waiting for my order – polenta with ricotta and tomatoes. When i had almost finished my fresh peppermint tea, finally the waitress came BUT with the wrong dish which i did not order. It was a busy hour with lots of customers, so she probably mixed up orders. She apologized and asked to wait (again!) for my polenta. Sigh. Well, i am patient and understand, but i was a bit angry. Friend of mine had already finished her meal whilst i am still waiting. grrr

But then, when the order came, it came with a bonus – a lovely apple cinnamon muffin. 🙂 My face changed immediately.

So, the lesson is – when you lose, before getting sad and angry, make sure and check if the loser does not get a prize. 😉

Price: polenta about 4-5EUR; muffin was obviously for free + my time of waiting;

Duration: long and at the end lovely lunch break.

Amazingness: food was perfect and customer service eventually too (ability to admit the mistake/ problem and then readiness to correct it is the key).

May 6. 2014

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Posted by on May 18, 2014 in psychology, travel


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#39 get inspired

Look for inspirations or if you cant find then be open to them when they find you!

I was invited to give a talk to a group of young talented entrepreneurs from the Baltic and Scandinavian countries and as i arrived an hour earlier, I had a chance to listen to the speaker before me – a young man in his mid 30s who is one of the few crazy people in the world being selected for the Mars One mission. Briefly, this is an unique project with an aim to establish a human settlement on Mars. Yes, you read it correctly – establishing human settlement on Mars.

Pauls, a father of two, told us how he from early 20s has been obsessed with an idea to make a million or two which led him to build an amazing career and accumulate remarkable international business experience. However, as years were passing by, he seemed not to be completely fulfilled or did not feel that he is really passionate about what he was doing. So,he decided not to leave a business world but to start his own business and doing something about which he was really passionate about – space and astronomy. He decided to be brave and follow his passion not the million. He decided to start a space(-related) business in a country of 2 million people and literally non-existent space industry. Moreover, he decided to apply for the Mars One mission and he got accepted. It’s not a tourism trip or excursion. It’s a one way ticket. He is now going through intensive preparation training.

This was definitely the most inspiring hour in 2014 so far. The only limits we have are in our minds created by ourselves. Limits as to what we are, what we can be and what we can do.

Price: zero

Amazingness: amazingly inspirational;

Duration: 1 hour with longer impact on my thoughts afterwards.

February 8, 2014

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Posted by on February 15, 2014 in lifestyle, psychology


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#29 forgive

It can be extremely hard and at times – close to impossible, but forgiving is relieving. When the right time comes, forgive. Forgiving is strength, rather than weakness. Forgiving is gaining peace in your mind and taking tension forgiveoff your shoulders. Forgiving heals. Forgiving gives you new wings to fly. Forgiving is an act of generosity. There is no peace without forgiveness.

Price: ego

Amazingness: comes with time

Duration: never look back.

January 30, 2014

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Posted by on February 1, 2014 in psychology


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#13 nurturing will-power

At the core of living amazing life is self-love and care, however it can work only when this self-love goes hand in hand with self-discipline and inner strength. Often you have to push and force yourself to do more, work harder, make an effort, try smth again and again and again, to not to give up. And, you have to, because amazingness of life is not a coincidence or just a good luck (well, there are few exceptions), it is a reward.

So, when i feel, like today, that this love-discipline balance is slightly out of order, I decide for a while, and it can last for a day or sometimes a month, to abstain from something i usually struggle to resist. Like chocolate. Like dark dark chocolate.

there was a chocolate in the office today, it was even at the reception at my yoga center and there is some chocolate one meter away from me now, but I feel immensely proud of myself because i have had that strength to say ‘no’.

Forbidding something you like is not cruel. it is an exercise of regaining power of your will and determination. In fact, abstinence can renew and increase the excitement of chocolate when eating it again. And, though, like in this specific case right now, it is a matter of not eating chocolate for a day or a week or a month (depends, how i will feel how long it should last), it will have much greater impact on my overall level of will-power.

What it has to do with my amazing year? Amazing year means a lot of work and you cant do that work well if you dont have enough will-power. Neither bad, nor good things happen without a reason.

Price: 0

Amazingness: greater than it feels now

Duration: still to be determined, but potentially not less than a week

13 January 2014

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Posted by on January 13, 2014 in psychology


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