Category Archives: private finances

#2 Make savings

…just imagine how amazed you may be at the end of this year discovering some spare 365GBP (or whichever other currency you use) because every day during this year you would be putting 1GBP in your piggy bank?

Or, if you would want to make it a bit more complicated or if you think 1GBP a day is a bit too big commitment, piggy bankyou could put as many pennies in your piggy bank as is the date of a particular day. So, on 3rd January and 3rd July you would put just 3 p, but on the 28th June and 28th September – 28 p. In such away at the end of the year you may make savings of exactly 57.38GBP.

Either your savings will be 365 or 57.38GBP (or 5738GBP (!!) if you put as many pounds as is the date of the day), you will be allowed to spend this money on something you have been craving for, on something to spoil yourself or your loved one or both. Just imagine that joy… Isn’t that just amazing?

This is the right day to start! It’s easy! I’m going for a ‘1GBP a day’ option.

Price: minimum 1GBP a day recommended;

Amazingness: High

Duration: depends, but can potentially become something unforgettable

January 2, 2014

p.s. If you fancy that blue piggy bank to start your saving campaign, you can order it for 3.95GBP only at UNICEF charity shop.

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Posted by on January 3, 2014 in private finances


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