Category Archives: London

#116 tasting Africa in London

the first time i had a chance to try an authentic Eritrean food was about 2 years ago when i visited Khartoum, Sudan and was invited to an Eritrean wedding. Initially i was not sure if i should accept the invitation because my only link with the couple was a friend of a woman who knew mother of the bride. But they assured me that in their culture wedding is not Eritrean foodabout family bonds, but about the community. They said, ‘dont worry, there will be lots of people.’

And, quite unexpectedly, last weekend a friend of mine was organizing a get-together dinner and chose Mosob in west London, a family-run authentic Eritrean restaurant. It was like a short journey back to East Africa and a history, regional politics, language and geography lesson by one of the owners. Food was served in a traditional way using the Eritrean bread (like a pancake) – injera as the basis and then offering various vegetarian or meat dishes. We ate with our hands like Eritreans do and it felt so natural, though it seemed like a special skill to develop. Portion for 2 people was large Eritrean foodso you can with no problem go there being very hungry. Also, it is not so usual to have so friendly service which goes beyond just offering the food. Owners, real Eritrean family, feel very proud about their origins and act as real ambassadors of their culture. This is definitely a place to go if you like Eastern Africa and want to have a delicious dinner with a touch of culture and chance to learn something new.

Price: about 20GBP per person;

Duration: devote couple of hours;

Amazingness: not only good value for money but also fascinating cultural experience.

June 7, 2014

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Posted by on June 10, 2014 in food, London


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#115 indulging coffee at the London’s best coffee shop

When you want to have a coffee, you have several options: you can make one at home, you can go to Costa or Cafe Nero (i White Mulberries coffeedont mention Starbucks because i am assuming that all the cool people like me are also boycotting it), or you can go to the best coffee shop in the town. Coffee lovers in London: in case you missed this brilliant piece of news from back in April, welcome to the White Mulberries, the best London’s coffee shop in 2014.

Located just nearby the Tower bridge in the St Catherine docks, this tiny but cosy place totally deserves this title. We had to make two attempts to have a coffee there. When we first went, it was totally full. Second time, few hours later, we were lucky to arrive when another couple just left, so we could take over their table by the window with a relaxing view to the docks, yachts and people passing by. toasted banana cinnamon loaf

This coffee shop is probably the best because of at least 4 reasons: 1) of course, coffee; i’m a long-time coffee drinker and could immediately tell that this was not a regular coffee; the smell and taste was a clear indicator of quality; 2) snacks and cakes; try a slice of roasted (!) banana cinnamon loaf – mouthwatering!; 3) ambiance – cosy, welcoming, friendly and esthetic; 4) location – central enough to be easily accessible, but hidden enough to have some breathing space.

Price: about 5GBP for a coffee and a sweet treat of your choice;

Duration: you wont wan to leave that place;

Amazingness: good coffee is worth a million 🙂

May 31, 2014


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Posted by on June 1, 2014 in food, London


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#114 sitting in the hairdresser’s chair

I am not obsessed with my hair. Rather, i feel lucky that i have found a good compromise between ‘feeling good about my hair’ and ‘i dont have much time for this’. Controlled freedom. That’s how i call my hairstyle.

However, now and then, it is so so so nice to sit in the hairdresser’s chair and let my hair get a bit of pampering. Moreover, though i am quite relaxed about hair, i have been very picky choosing my hairdresser. That was, in fact, one of the key things i had to do when moving to London – to find MY hairdresser. Hairdresser has to know me, understand my personality, what i like, how my hair are, what hairstyle suits my lifestyle etc. And i feel so lucky i have found one who will never disappoint me.

Price: only 25GBP for haircut and styling;

Duration: about 1 hour;

Amazingness: great ‘feel-good’ after-feeling.

May 29, 2014

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Posted by on May 30, 2014 in beauty, London


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#90 feeling the spirit of London marathon

since I live in London, i have tried not to miss the London marathon which i find to be one of the most inspirational events i London marathon 2014have ever attended or watched. You see hundreds and thousands of people testing their power of will, strength and stamina, motivations and determination to complete this challenge despite sweat and pain. Just from watching i get so much energy, inspiration and motivation to work on my own things because it London marathon medalmakes me think – if so many other people can do, so can i. All you need is focus, determination and ‘yes, i can’ attitude.

Moreover, one of my colleagues ran this Marathon for the second time willing to beat herself 30 years ago. And – she did; she completed it 2 minutes faster than when she was in her 20s. it’s absolutely fantastic! She showed us the medal she got and all i could do is – make my reverence to her!

Price: zero for watching;

Amazingness: inspiration is amazing

Duration: it is very busy for about 4-5 hours;

April 13, 2014

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Posted by on April 19, 2014 in fitness, London


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#80 discovering Cambridge

Soon after i moved to London i asked my colleagues and friends: i want to visit Cambridge or Oxford, but dont know with Cambridgewhich one to start, so which is nicer? First, what i realized, is that people generally have quite strong opinions about this and everyone has his/her own definite favorite. Secondly, on the basis of this improvised survey Oxford received most votes. I chose to visit Oxford as a tourist couple of years ago and have had a chance to visit it few more times for business purposes, but Cambridge was left abandoned until today when besides my general interest to visit it (despite Oxford fans saying that i have not missed anything really) i had a rational reason to visit it – speaking at the conference hosted by one of the Cambridge’s colleges.

Cambridge IS nice. I would want to return there sometime in Cambridge collegessummer. The vibe is slightly different than in Oxford and atmosphere is great. I even managed to get lost in the central Cambridge whilst strolling around and hunting for more Colleges, more cosy streets, markets (i bought beautifully smelling freshly roasted coffee from an independent coffee producer) and tiny independent shops. That presence of history is magic and feels amazing how well it’s been preserved until these days. From the other side, you can also feel some sort of elitism there which creates at time a mixture of different feelings: ‘wow’ + ‘who cares’. But, it’s nice. I will be back there. One day.

Price: 16GBP return train ticket from London to Cambridge;

Amazingness: nice. as nice as Oxford. 🙂

Duration: one day is enough to get the taste.

April 6, 2014

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Posted by on April 6, 2014 in London, travel


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#73 walking under the Thames

London is amazing. Did you know that there is a foot tunnel going under the Thames connecting Greenwich and Isle of Dogs? It’s fascinating and if time allows, i always make sure that my friends, who visit London (that’s a price for being a Thames foot tunnelLondoner – you eventually, willingly or not, become a pretty regular tourist guide), do walk under the Thames. Apparently, this tunnel is more than 100 years old now, and every time i walk through it, i just cant stop being fascinated by what human mind can do.

The best way to visit is to take DLR from Bank (direction Lewisham), get off at Island Garden’s station. Once you are on the opposite side of the river – Greenwich, it’s perfect to climb up to the Greenwich observatory, visit Greenwich market or learn about Cutty Stark.

Price: just the cost of getting there; there is no fee to use the tunnel;

Amazingness: it’s definitely unique experience;

Duration: it takes about 3 minutes to walk through it, i think.

March 27, 2014

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Posted by on March 29, 2014 in London, travel


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#69 seeing a celebrity

I went to a work-related event and was surprised by seeing so many video cameras around. That’s not what i normally expect at events where people talk about humanitarian crisis, poverty and development issues. The reason why there was this media attention was that this event was opened by a celebrity.

Sienna Miller, Ladies and Gentlemen!

I apologize already in advance, but yes, i had to google to find out what exactly she has done or at what she is so good that has given her this honor to be called ‘celebrity’. Apparently, she i an actress, model and Jude Law’s ex. Now, Jude Law i know, i would recognize him. I would be 100 times more excited if this event was opened by Jude Law. I may have even tried to make a photo of him. But, well, when telling others that i saw Sienna Miller, everyone responded with big ‘wow’, so i guess, I have to be humble and appreciate this great moment even if it was just Sienna Miller. 🙂

p.s. if serious, i give all my respect to her for raising awareness about humanitarian issues. If that also helps to raise more funds for humanitarian assistance, even better.

Price: 0. Pure coincidence.

Amazingness: seeing Jude Law would have been more amazing, but still. was ok.

Duration: she gave about 3 min speech and then left.

19 March, 2014

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Posted by on March 22, 2014 in lifestyle, London


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#45 goodmorning blue, blue sky!

This morning made my day! Not only was it FRIDAY morning, it was a morning of amazingly blue blue sky! If you live somewhere in Spain, Italy or in some African country where you have 364 out of 365 days sunny and bright, you wont probably understand me. In London blue blue morning sky is unusual, extraordinary, fabulous, London blue skygorgeous, and glorious (adjectives mentioned by my colleagues about the start of the day).

Blue blue sky made me not only super excited, positive and enthusiastic about the day. I also ended up changing my regular 10 minutes underground travel to London Bridge station for 35 minutes walk to the station even if i had to carry my yoga training bag. I felt amazing. Morning sun, blue blue sky and happy me! Sometimes you need so little!

Price: 0

Amazingness: the less often you such blue blue sky, the more you appreciate it!

Duration: my regular 40min journey to work was extended by half an hour; it was worth it.

February 21, 2014

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Posted by on February 21, 2014 in London


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#42 visiting Canary Wharf tube station

I used to visit Canary Wharf tube station regularly about 3 years ago when i was living in the East London and Canary Wharf buskerthere was this man who every week-day evening was playing there on his acoustic guitar. And, guess what! I went there today and nothing has changed: just like 3 years ago he was there playing on his acoustic guitar. The same place. The same tunes. But, his soothing music is exactly what is needed at that time of the day when you have left the office and try to switch your mind from work to something enjoyable and relaxing. Canary Wharf station has a quite good acoustics (and, if you dont know, it has an amazing underground shopping centre which is not that as overcrowded and busy as others) so just get your evening latte, find a comfortable spot somewhere, and prepare a pound or two to leave in his busker’s hat (though, i would hope, the main inhabitants of Canary Wharf – investment bankers – are already taking good care of this man’s income from his busking).

He sounds like Jeff Bucley + The Beatles +Oasis, but his top tune is Hallelujah.

Price: 0 (unless you decide to explore the shopping centre; be warned, there are lots of temptations there)

Amazingness: great enough to stop and listen for a moment or two or at least to slow down a bit whilst passing by.

Duration: can be enough with few moments, but i am sure he is there for few hours every evening.

February 18, 2014

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Posted by on February 18, 2014 in London


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#33 enjoying evening in Greenwich

I already wrote on this blog here about Greenwich few weeks ago. It is one of my most favorite places in London: food market in the weekend, stroll around the Greenwich park and and a fantastic view over the city just keep me coming back there again and again. But, to get a full taste of Greenwich, you have to go there also in the evening when it is dark. You have to see Meridian laser going as far as Stratford in east London. I did not have my camera with me, but somebody has managed to make a great shot of this phenomenal view here.

And, for wine and dine fans, complete your Greenwich evening visit by checking out a very lovely restaurant the Brasserie located in the National Maritime Museum. Great food, great service and an atmosphere which sounds like smooth jazz. It does not offer though too many options for vegetarians, but gnocci in sweet pepper and oregano sauce was delicious.

Price: as per restaurant’s menu, but look for special deals too.

Amazingness: dining in such a lovely place cant be not amazing

Duration: 2-3 hours

February 5, 2014

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Posted by on February 6, 2014 in food, London


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