Category Archives: lifestyle

#106 the fourth annual reunion with the best Uni friends

We were 4 friends who met at the Uni and shared the flats in the dorms. I think, we can pretty much say, we know each other inside out. After graduation not only each of us chose different career paths, but all of us also ended up living in 4 different countries. Few years ago we realized that unless we proactively organize ourselves and meet this friendship will vanish.

So, we just had our fourth annual reunion. In the Netherlands. in Utrecht. Awesome. we talk a lot until we fall asleep, and eat and drink when we dont talk or dont sleep. šŸ™‚ And like this year, we also did some cycling.

We have created some rules with respect to these reunions:

  • there is this one major annual meeting, usually in May or June (if we meet more frequently all or some of us, it’s great too);
  • every time it has to be a different country (so far we got Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Netherlands);
  • no husbands or boyfriends (children allowed under special circumstances).

Price: travel, accommodation and commitment;

Duration: usually a long weekend;

Amazingness: friendship continues to live. it’s awesome.

May 6, 2014


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#72 having a purpose

I always read when having my breakfast and this morning, by accident, I came across this article where a man in his early 30s is telling a story about his journey from having a successful executive job at a global corporation to having a mission and purpose in life; a journey from making his boss richer and his suppliers in developing world poorer, to a meaningful work where by being his own boss and applying the same skills and knowledge he can change the lives of small-scale producers growing their income and thus not only have a job but a job with a mission.

This story reminds us to ask ourselves if we are merely having a job for which we are paid (better or worse) or we are actually contributing to something positive, making a difference and having a purpose of our efforts. And you know, despite those moments now and then when i do wish i was a business consultant making loads of money, i feel lucky and happy that i always have had a job with a feeling that i am on a mission. Are you on a mission?Ā  Do you have a purpose? The work you are doing now – does it make a positive difference to the world we live in?

Price: courage

Amazingness: having a purpose is like having air to breathe;

Duration: ideally, every day and always.

March 27, 2014

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Posted by on March 27, 2014 in career, lifestyle


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#70 accidental French accent

When i meet new people and they guess where i am from, 90% of them would think – I’m French. I dont speak French, i dont know French and it’sĀ  always been a mystery to me as to how the written French can differ so much from spoken.

Yesterday, i met a young French man who also thought i must be French! He was insisting – yes, yes, you have a French accent!

well, i take it as a compliment if even to a Frenchman i sound like French.

or maybe it’s a hint, that if i were to learn French, i would have no difficulty at all in having a perfect pronunciation.

hm, something to think about.

Price: 0

Amazingness: an amazing mystery

Duration: i have been sounding like French since i live in UK.

March 21, 2014

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Posted by on March 24, 2014 in lifestyle


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#69 seeing a celebrity

I went to a work-related event and was surprised by seeing so many video cameras around. That’s not what i normally expect at events where people talk about humanitarian crisis, poverty and development issues. The reason why there was this media attention was that this event was opened by a celebrity.

Sienna Miller, Ladies and Gentlemen!

I apologize already in advance, but yes, i had to google to find out what exactly she has done or at what she is so good that has given her this honor to be called ‘celebrity’. Apparently, she i an actress, model and Jude Law’s ex. Now, Jude Law i know, i would recognize him. I would be 100 times more excited if this event was opened by Jude Law. I may have even tried to make a photo of him. But, well, when telling others that i saw Sienna Miller, everyone responded with big ‘wow’, so i guess, I have to be humble and appreciate this great moment even if it was just Sienna Miller. šŸ™‚

p.s. if serious, i give all my respect to her for raising awareness about humanitarian issues. If that also helps to raise more funds for humanitarian assistance, even better.

Price: 0. Pure coincidence.

Amazingness: seeing Jude Law would have been more amazing, but still. was ok.

Duration: she gave about 3 min speech and then left.

19 March, 2014

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Posted by on March 22, 2014 in lifestyle, London


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#59 celebrating womanhood

8th of March – International Women’s Day – provoked a debate in the (social) media about the meaning and importance of this day. Many would argue that it’s an archaic thing, that there should be then also Men’s day and that trending feminism is a sign of ‘mission completed’ status with respect to women’s rights. However, though in my mind it still very much reminds me of Soviet times when this day was widely celebrated and practically every woman received at least one tulip or carnation on that day both at home and work as a ‘thank you’ for being a woman, I think it is still good to have this day. To celebrate womanhood and femininity both in its strong and fragile/ vulnerable form. To celebrate humanity, because it would not exist without a woman. To remind the women and men that it all starts with a woman. Lupita

If i had to nominate a woman of 2014 I would vote for Lupita. She is such an inspiration for any woman living in any country including myself. She is a woman who dares to be herself, to dream the impossible and to be who she wants to be.

Price: whatever helps one to boost her self-esteem;

Amazingness: being a woman with fulfilled life is probably the most beuatiful thing one can imagine

Duration: there should be no end to celebration of womanhood.

8 March, 2014

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Posted by on March 9, 2014 in lifestyle


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#44 rediscovering your wardrobe

They say that we wear 10% of our clothes for 90% of time. Some clothing we buy replaces items we already have. But, most of the clothing we buy, we wear only few times and then forget. Sometimes, like it has happened to me few times, we get disappointed with what we have bought after wearing it. I have some dresses which look nice as such but are not functional when wearing (something is not fitting perfectly etc).

I did a review of my wardrobe checking every single piece of clothing i have and you know – it’s a very nice exercise. Suddenly you discover so many nice things you have but had forgotten about. It’s almost like going for shopping, but it’s better – you find new great things and you already own them.

Today i was wearing a dress i had abandoned for a year or two and received quite few compliments, therefore the lesson is: do not hide your gems; show them to the world and enjoy! Do not get lazy wearing the same things from day to day, from week to week. Change what you wear, how you look. It is so refreshing šŸ™‚

Price: 0

Amazingness: reunion with nice clothing i had forgotten about? it is amazing

Duration: half an hour may be totally enough to review the wardrobe’s content and finding something interesting disregarding how big it is

February 19, 2014

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Posted by on February 20, 2014 in fashion, lifestyle


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#41 avoiding technological backwardness

i think, i might have just set a new Guinness World Record in a category: how long time does one need to open a box of a newly bought tech gadget. It took me 51 days to finally unpack and check out my new tablet. I still will need to be convinced that it will make my life even more amazing (that’s what i have been told), but overall i like it. It’s red.

Price: 220GBP

Amazingness: it is yet to be found out but potential is great, as far as i understand

Duration: i hope it will last for many years

February 16, 2014

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Posted by on February 16, 2014 in lifestyle


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#39 get inspired

Look for inspirations or if you cant find then be open to them when they find you!

I was invited to give a talk to a group of young talented entrepreneurs from the Baltic and Scandinavian countries and as i arrived an hour earlier, I had a chance to listen to the speaker before me – a young man in his mid 30s who is one of the few crazy people in the world being selected for the Mars One mission. Briefly, this is an unique project with an aim to establish a human settlement on Mars. Yes, you read it correctly – establishing human settlement on Mars.

Pauls, a father of two, told us how he from early 20s has been obsessed with an idea to make a million or two which led him to build an amazing career and accumulate remarkable international business experience. However, as years were passing by, he seemed not to be completely fulfilled or did not feel that he is really passionate about what he was doing. So,he decided not to leave a business world but to start his own business and doing something about which he was really passionate about – space and astronomy. He decided to be brave and follow his passion not the million. He decided to start a space(-related) business in a country of 2 million people and literally non-existent space industry. Moreover, he decided to apply for the Mars One mission and he got accepted. It’s not a tourism trip or excursion. It’s a one way ticket. He is now going through intensive preparation training.

This was definitely the most inspiring hour in 2014 so far. The only limits we have are in our minds created by ourselves. Limits as to what we are, what we can be and what we can do.

Price: zero

Amazingness: amazingly inspirational;

Duration: 1 hour with longer impact on my thoughts afterwards.

February 8, 2014

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Posted by on February 15, 2014 in lifestyle, psychology


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#31 chilling out with Sunday newspaper

Normally I dont buy newspapers on workdays. It feels like it is already enough with the news i get from Metro in the morning, then Evening Standard in the evening and browsing of BBC and Guardian websites during the day the Guardian and Observerwhen taking a break from work.

But on weekends, particularly on Sundays there is something very amazing about getting my favorite Sunday newspaper (the Guardian + Observer it is), put a relaxing music on, have a black coffee with some snacks and just read from the first to the last page (except Sports and TV programme sections; those immediately go to the recycling box). And, though more and more news/ articles are also available online, I like this old-school way of absorbing news -via a newspaper.

Price: 2.70GBP

Amazingness: great combination of gaining new knowledge + relaxation

Duration: few hours.

February 2, 2014

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Posted by on February 2, 2014 in lifestyle, reading


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#16 practicing yoga

Huhh, after a month long break (Christmas and New Years holidays is my excuse) today I restarted my bikram yoga practice and honestly – I feel amazing!

I had to really force myself to go to yoga as the day was long and stressful, I felt tired and all i could think was a dinner, rest and sleep. But somehow i got there and had probably one of the hardest ever yoga classes lasting almost 2 hours.

I practice and enjoy only bikram yoga, where the trainer takes you through 26 postures in a room with 40C+ (or more; today it was definitely more) temperature. It is like exercising in sauna. Heat adds extra pressure, but equally also makes the exercise more effective. the hottest sport ever.

About 3 years ago I remember saying that me and yoga are two absolutely incompatible things. Yoga seemed to be only meditation, praying and no physical exercise. However, about two years ago out of curiosity i gave it a try and since then i have never looked back. There is no really praying or other religious or spiritual elements (though, i imagine, different types of yoga do have that). And like the trainer said today: “if, first of all, you want to live until your retirement age (it may go up to 70 when our generation will retire!) and, secondly, also really enjoy your retirement years, you have to do yoga!”

During the last 2 years yoga has made an obvious impact on my physical and mental well-being, peace of mind, weight, metabolism and stamina.

If you have not tried yoga, try! out of curiosity just like me 2 years ago and see where it takes you!

In London i can recommend these bikram yoga centres – Yotopia, Fitness on Fire and Bikram yoga London.

Price: starting from about 5GBP per class;

Amazingness: amazing

Duration: 60-90min classes

16 January, 2014

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Posted by on January 16, 2014 in fitness, lifestyle


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