Category Archives: healthy lifestyle

#97 beetroot chocolate brownies

Beetroot brownies. hm, what? Beetroot brownies?? Beetroot chocolate brownies?! Yes, beetroot chocolate brownies!!

I saw a recipe of beetroot chocolate brownies in the Metro, London’s morning newspaper this week, which was presentedbeetroot chocolate brownies as a total guilt free and healthy food. Hm, but beetroots in a cake? So, i just could not resist that temptation to try baking this strange cake.

But, believe it or not, experiment worked out and cake is delicious. I like its softness. And it tastes both like beetroot and brownie. 🙂


  • 600g precooked beetroot;
  • 50g chopped hazelnuts;
  • 120g gluten and wheat free flour;
  • 3tsp baking powder;
  • 100g pure cacao powder;
  • 2 spoons of honey and about 100ml agave nectar (in original recipe it was suggested to add 400g honey, which, i think, was wayyy toooo much, so i significantly reduced and i think, cake was still sweet enough, but you may want to add more, if you want to);
  • a bit of salt;
  • 5 eggs.

Baking: first, chop beetroot in small pieces and then blend; second, place in the bowl chopped hazelnuts, flour, baking powder and cacao powder and mix it; third, add the beetroots but do not mix in yet; fourth, place the honey and agave nectar, salt and eggs in a bowl and blend for 2 min; fifth, add eggs to the rest of the ingredients and gently with a wooden spoon stir keeping in the air in the mixture. then cook for about 35-40minutes.

Experiment, give a try to new tastes!!

Price: about 8GBP;

Amazingness: it’s amazing how totally different and incompatible things can actually work so well together;

Duration: about 1 hour including baking time;

April 27, 2014


Posted by on April 27, 2014 in food, healthy lifestyle


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#74 getting the most delicious bread from home

Whenever somebody from Latvia visits me in London, all i ask them is – just bring me a loaf of dark rye bread. Or two. And, not just any kind, but specific Kelmeni dark rye bread, which individually is signed off on its label by the bread baker. Kelmeni dark rye breadLatvian dark rye bread is much darker than Lithuanian dark bread and any dark bread i have seen in Scandinavia. Kelmeni dark bread i can recognize by its smell. It’s awesome. Some people find it too heavy, but i say – it’s nutritious, healthier than white bread and yes – two slices of bread with cheese, ham, tomatoes or whatever is your preference you have had a meal. It’s not a side or for snacking. It’s food.

Friends who visited me this week brought, of course, me this Kelmeni bread and also as a bonus – so called ‘Festival bread’ (made by Lielezers): dark bread with dried fruits and nuts. This is my the second most missed food stuff from Latvia. If you spread a slice of this Festival bread with honey and take with coffee or tea, it tastes absolutely heavenly. Lielezers svetku maize

So, if you ever have a chance, try these ‘gems’ from Latvia. You wont find anywhere anything similar to these.

Price: Kelmeni dark rye bread – about 2.50GBP a loaf, Festival bread – about 4-5GBP per loaf.

Amazingness: absolute deliciousness;

Duration: unfortunately these do not last long.

March 28, 2014


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Posted by on March 30, 2014 in food, healthy lifestyle


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#52 pampering matters

Now and then we need a pampering time. Self-love and self-care time. And no, it’s not luxury, it’s not selfishness either. It’s awareness of your body and soul. Listening to what your body says and needs. Modern lifestyle often makes us behave as exploiters and become unable to read signs of how well we actually are. We lose skills to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy challenges. We praise bravery of taking up activities harming our physical and/or mental health. But often we are not so sure in name of what we are doing that and if what we gain in short term is worth in longer term.

Whatever sort of pampering you need or prefer, find time for that. Now and then. I had an Ayurvedic massage (i found this article which tells a bit more about this type of massage) in the middle of the week right after work. Made me feel good.

Price: this one was special deal for about 20GBP;

Amazingness: obvious

Duration: 90 minutes;

February 27, 2014

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Posted by on March 1, 2014 in healthy lifestyle


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#43 laugh

Laughing is good. Laughing is one of the best ways to acquire C vitamin. There can be lots of things which make one laugh. A good joke, a funny situation, little banter with a friend and so on. Laughing without reason though is something which would worry me. Today i just could not stop laughing when watching this video of these two 100 year old friends. It is hilarious! Watch and enjoy!


Price: zero

Amazingness: awesome

Duration: 4 min, but if you can extend it by repeating watching it again and again

February 19, 2014


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Posted by on February 19, 2014 in healthy lifestyle


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#37 going for raw food

As a vegetarian and a fan of generally healthy food, when I travel, I always try to explore local vegetarian restaurants. Since last year one of my ‘must-visit’ places in Riga (Latvia) therefore has become the Raw Garden: as far as i know, this is the only place in Riga serving raw food. It’s trendy in London (i can recommend Saf restaurant), and it’s becoming trendy in Riga too.

This place is simple, democratic and welcoming, but yet it raw pumkpkin and carrot soupalso has its own special atmosphere and approach both to food and service. This place is ideal both for lunch or dinner or for relaxing chill out. This is a place where to discover new tastes, new ingredients and new treats. This is a place where to love yourself, because we are what we eat, arn’t we?

Price: for the raw pumpkin and carrot soup, the green health drink (think – Spinach!) and a package of dried cherry bread i paid about 9EUR;

Amazingness: amazing healthiness;

Duration: couple of hours;

February 8, 2014

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Posted by on February 12, 2014 in food, healthy lifestyle


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#30 spinning class in candle light

I have not been to a spinning class for ages. I think, the last time was about 2-3 years ago at one of the Fitness First gyms in London. Spinning is tough cardio workout with guaranteed sweating.

This week a brand new BoomCycle spinning studio was opened in London (Holborn) which is offering free classes to their new customers. A free class is an obvious and straightforward incentive to attract clients, but what really made me to check out this place and to do a session was their unique, unusual concept.

Studio, which is specializing only in spin classes,  is based in the basement of an extremely centrally located building (just few minutes away form the Holborn tube station). It is very spacious, modern, with minimalistic yet very tasteful design. As it is so brand new, it has that feel of being unfinished so i guess, it will become even nicer. This studio has the best shower rooms i have ever seen in a gym or sports centre. Not only i did not have to queue, but they were all private and discreet.

But, most importantly, the spinning classes are delivered by experienced, friendly trainers with perfect selection of electronic music in the background to keep you working hard and doing more. And, it’s all in CANDLE LIGHT! Who would have thought that candlelight (+ the right music in the background, of course) makes such a perfect ambiance for quality workout?! I recommend to try this at least once.

If you want to understand better what exactly happens in the spin class, check out this brief video.

Price: zero, but normally about 10-16GBP per class;

Amazingness: if the technology was not lying in 45 minutes session i cycled 14 miles and burnt 480ccal!! It is not only amazing, it is terrific! 🙂

Duration: thanks God, just 45minutes.

February 2, 2014


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Posted by on February 2, 2014 in healthy lifestyle


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#26 have a pleasant breakfast

They say that breakfast should be eaten all by yourself, lunch shared with a friend, but dinner should be given away to your enemy.

The morale is: you should prioritize breakfast over dinner to get you amazingly through the day. It’s the same like with cars – you fill up the fuel tank before driving not after. breakfast toast

Moreover, breakfast which gives you the energy boost for the day cant be rushed. It should be relaxing, peaceful and inspiring. Wake up early enough allowing yourself time to enjoy smell of a coffee (or a tea), make a healthy, nutritious, tasty meal and tune your mind on a positive note.

My ‘morning fuel’ for a very long time now has been a toast with spread cheese and cherry tomatoes. I always make an effort to make sure that the halves of cherry tomatoes are lined up nicely and in symmetrical order. A Perfect toast for a perfect start of the day.

Price: pennies for 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 8 – 12 cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper and parsley.

Amazingness: tastes honestly great!

Duration: 30 min.

January 26, 2014


Posted by on January 29, 2014 in food, healthy lifestyle


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#25 story from a swimming pool

One of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to get friendlier with swimming. Not only has it various health benefits, it is also one of the most important life skills. I always have felt that it would be good to feel more confident in water and be able to properly enjoy pleasures of swimming.

So, i found out that there is a brand new swimming centre in my area with two pools which offers a free day pass to new customers. I booked a time slot today and was absolutely excited visiting the centre. First, i really liked that it was not too busy and overcrowded. Secondly, I was relieved that one end is only 0.9m deep, whilst the other one gets 1.8m deep. As I am not comfortable swimming where it is deeper than my height, I thought, i can still swim half the length of the pool which is great. After 10 minutes or so a lifeguard came to me and said: “well, this pool has lanes and it is meant for swimming. Meaning, you start at the one end and swim all the way to the other end and then return back using the other side of the pool. It’s like a two way road. You cant just stop in the middle of the pool, stand there. To learn how to swim, you should go to our second leisure pool.”

Right, i understood the hint and went to the other pool and joined a crowd of youngsters who were learning how to swim. With the average depth of about 1.3m or so, i felt very safe there. But, i need to start somewhere, right? And, it’s better later than never. As i am a self-taught swimmer, i thought next time i will book a swimming lesson with instructor so i can one day return again to the main pool and swim. From one end to the other end, without stopping and fear of depth.

Price: zero

Amazingness: i still need to work on it

Duration: 30min.

January 25, 2014

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Posted by on January 27, 2014 in fitness, healthy lifestyle


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#23 going for tapas

If you are feeling a bit post-Christmas blues and scared of eventual fiasco of your new years resolutions (they say, people normally give up their resolutions within the first 3 weeks of the year), then – if it is related to diet, losing weight and healthier lifestyle, dont become unsocial and dont stop meeting people and going out for a meal.

Go for tapas!

Tapas – Spanish appetizers and snacks – is perfect to get some food without risk of overeating. Tapas also offers a great opportunity to try various things in small amounts which almost always will be an interesting experience (with a condition that you choose to explore properly the tapas’ menu and give a try to something you have not tried before).

Jazz After DarkSome have been brave enough to make a list of the best tapas places in London, but i would add to that a very cool, homely, cosy, jazzy place Jazz After Dark which offers also excellent variety and quality of tapas for a great value (5 tapas for 20GBP; enough for 2 hungry people)! Amy Winehouse used to go there therefore you can still feel her spirit there – in interior and even in the food and drink menu 🙂 After 9pm there is a live jazz music which you can enjoy in an unpretentious atmosphere.

Price: 5 tapas and bottle of wine for 25GBP (that was a special deal!) + 5GBP for a live jazz after 9pm

Amazigness: high

Duration: 3 hours with great after-feelings.

January 23, 2014

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Posted by on January 25, 2014 in food, healthy lifestyle


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