Category Archives: hand-made

#4 hand-made gifts

Some people like receiving gifts more, some less, but everyone does. In our current era of abundance, consumerism and materialism it becomes harder:

  • to surprise,
  • to give something which gift-receiver does not have already,
  • to give in a way which does not trivialize this all gift-giving act and
  • to give in a way which does not look like box-ticking exercise.

Today I am preparing a gift which will be a total opposite to what normally means gift-giving:

  • it will be a surprise because it will be supposed to be a Christmas present (and who expects Christmas presents on January 6?);
  • it will be a unique present, the only copy of this sort available because it will be hand-made;
  • it will be hand-made by me, by a giver which, i believe, makes this gift all the more personal;
  • it is priceless; how could i quantify my time, good thoughts put in making this gift?

knitted wool socksI know, I can buy a pair of socks for few pounds and i would need few minutes to do that, but knitting socks for someone and spending about 12 hours (i guess?) may seem to be so unproductive and inefficient. But, gift is not just about giving somebody something for free. It is about relationship, giving, showing appreciation and meaning of this relationship to you.

Not everyone can knit and should not, but everyone of us can make something for somebody and give as a gift. And giving without a special reason is even better! It will make the other person feel special and your day – amazing!

Price: about 2GBP for wool + my time (12 hours or so);

Amazingness: if originality and surprise effects is amazing, then massive

Duration: depends how this gift is used, but could last few years.

January 4, 2014

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Posted by on January 5, 2014 in hand-made


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