Category Archives: career

#78 having ‘sweet’ colleagues

Just because it’s Thursday, just because it is the most normal Thursday one can imagine, after lunch time bunch of colleagues brought ice cream for everyone in the office. Mint Magnum – refreshing, sweet surprise in the middle of the day. Isnt it just amazing? 🙂 Isnt it great to have so generous colleagues? Isnt it also a sign that summer is just around the corner?

Price: 0

Amazingness: suddenly a normal Thursday became a Thursday of ice creams

Duration: quick, too quick.

April 3, 2014


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Posted by on April 3, 2014 in career


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#72 having a purpose

I always read when having my breakfast and this morning, by accident, I came across this article where a man in his early 30s is telling a story about his journey from having a successful executive job at a global corporation to having a mission and purpose in life; a journey from making his boss richer and his suppliers in developing world poorer, to a meaningful work where by being his own boss and applying the same skills and knowledge he can change the lives of small-scale producers growing their income and thus not only have a job but a job with a mission.

This story reminds us to ask ourselves if we are merely having a job for which we are paid (better or worse) or we are actually contributing to something positive, making a difference and having a purpose of our efforts. And you know, despite those moments now and then when i do wish i was a business consultant making loads of money, i feel lucky and happy that i always have had a job with a feeling that i am on a mission. Are you on a mission?  Do you have a purpose? The work you are doing now – does it make a positive difference to the world we live in?

Price: courage

Amazingness: having a purpose is like having air to breathe;

Duration: ideally, every day and always.

March 27, 2014

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Posted by on March 27, 2014 in career, lifestyle


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#63 getting promoted

Though when i started this ‘amazingness’ blog, i decided that i am not writing here about anything work-related, i am tempted to make an exception, because it’s something pretty amazing: i got promoted. Greater challenges, more responsibilities, more space for ideas and new initiatives, new level of motivation and inspiration.

Price: (apparently) hard work, passion, determination, loyalty to my organization and integrity pays off.

Amazingness: professional growth goes hand in hand with personal growth and new life opportunities;

Duration: it took me few years.

March 13, 2014

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Posted by on March 14, 2014 in career


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#28 connecting with like-minded people

It does not matter what is your area of expertise – accounting, farming, teaching, sales, gardening, cooking, civil engineering, coding, arts, business management, travel or journalism – there are plenty of clubs, associations, unions, membership organizations etc how you can connect with the people like you.

Events like mine today, where i met people with similar interests and passion, are amazing; they inspire, stimulate intellectually, challenge, provoke, motivate and broaden a horizon.

My primary school teacher used to tell us: “in your life you have to know everything about something and something about everything.” Connecting with like-minded people is how you can continuously grow and learn. Moreover, this is how you can eventually transit from consumer to creator of knowledge of your specific expertise area. And, it does not matter if it is work or hobby. The only thing what matters is – your interest and passion.

Price: determination; treat it as an investment

Amazingness: in the long-term great;

Duration: long-term

January 30, 2014

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Posted by on January 30, 2014 in career


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