#51 invitation to a wedding

27 Feb

What would be life without surprises?! What would be beautiful relationships without weddings? What would be my friends’ weddings without me?

The invitation to a wedding I just received was not really unexpected, but it just made my day. It means i have again one solid ‘excuse’ to visit Spain (one of my favorite countries on this planet!) and chance to meet my friends from Uni years. Though it is only in 3 months, i actually already had other plans for that weekend. But, never-mind, if I really really want something, I can be a bit more flexible than normally and make it all work. I am already excited.

This year does not seem like the last year when i got 5 wedding invitations (though managed to attend only three). This will be the second wedding i will attend this year, but who knows. there is plenty of time for more weddings. 2014 has just started.

Price: tbc (flights, new dress (!), presents and accommodation);

Amazingness: it’s awesomeness!

Duration: long weekend šŸ™‚

February 26, 2014

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Posted by on February 27, 2014 in relationships, travel


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